- Lockouts
- ReKeys
- Repairs
- Replacements
Mobile Locksmith Service in Logan, Queensland
Have you accidently locked yourself out of your home or car?
Have you lost or misplaced your home or car keys?
Do you need locks or keys changed, repaired, replaced, keyed alike?
Lock Change Locksmiths is a mobile locksmith in Logan QLD. We have been providing onsite locksmithing services to the Logan and Brisbane community since 2010. Although we do not have a brick-and-mortar shop front, we do have a locksmith workshop on wheels that is stocked with most parts and key-cutting equipment to get the job done efficiently and effectively.
We replace car keys when all keys have been lost. We rekey, and replace locks and keys on homes and businesses. We gain entry when keys have been accidently locked inside your car, home, or business. If you need a local mobile locksmith service around the Logan areas of Yarrabilba, Logan Village, Jimboomba, Kingston, Marsden, Woodridge, Beenleigh, Springwood and the surrounding suburbs, that is honest, professional and reliable, please call Peter on 0458822300
Trusted by Oneflare
- Public insurance valid
- ABN checked
- Email checked
- Mobile checked

General Locksmithing Service - Prices
Service Call From $88
Service Call prices will vary according to time of day or night, urgency of job and location. Surcharges can apply for service after hours, public holidays and weekends.
Open, Gain Entry From $165
Locked Out? 1 Hour quick response time. Home and car no worries! Special rates on the weekend.
Lock Re-Keying for Residential & Commercial Property From $49.50
For peace of mind, safety & convenience. Your old locks re-keyed (re-coded) to suit a new key that only you will have, and rekeyed-alike as much as possible.
Residential Keys Duplicated From $6.60
Extra keys duplicated onsite.
Strike Adjustment From $44
Adjust strike plate on door frame - sometimes necessary due to house movement etc..
Car Key Replacement Service - Prices
All Car Keys Lost - Supply Replacement Transponder Key (non remote) From $280
Supply, cut, and program replacement transponder key (non remote key, no buttons) to suit your car - for when all keys have been lost.
All Car Keys Lost - Supply Replacement Transponder Key with Remote From $350
Supply, cut, and program replacement transponder key with remote to suit your car - for when all keys have been lost.
Supply Spare Transponder Key (non remote key) From $120
Supply spare transponder car key, or motorbike key (non remote key, no buttons) - duplicate blade, and clone transponder chip.
Supply Spare Transponder Key with Remote From $220
Supply spare flip-blade style remote car key with transponder, (remote has locking & unlocking buttons) duplicate blade, clone transponder chip, and program remote.
New Lock Supply & Fitting Service - Prices
Supply & Fit Entrance Set From $110
Replacement for worn-out or broken entrance, privacy and passage sets. Key outside locks and unlocks both knobs. Turnsnib inside, locks and unlocks both knobs.
Supply & Fit Deadbolt From $250
Supply and install commercial quality deadbolt to upgrade security. Good for non-rebated timber hinged doors. Single or Double cylinder models.
Supply & Fit Screen Door Lock-Body and Handles From $132
Brands such as Whitco, Austral and Lockwood are available for both sliding and hinged type screen doors. Screen doors that have a triple lock function require a specific lock body brand for compatibility.
Supply & Fit Patio Bolt From $165
Supply & install high security patio bolt. Cost effective option to upgrade security on sliding glass doors.
Supply & Fit Sliding Glass Door Lock From $220
Replace worn out or broken sliding glass door lock.
Supply & Fit Block-Lock From $330
Commercial grade locking solution for hinged & sliding, glass/aluminum, timber, shop-front doors. Single & Double Block-Locks, external & internal fit models available for different applications.

Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I get keys cut near me?
The closest is Mister Minit at Hyperdome shopping. The key cutters near me list has 7 more places.
Alternatively I can come to you with my mobile locksmith service.
I have accidently locked myself out. Can you help me?
Yes, when you are locked out of your premises or your car, we can let you in (subject to acceptable proof of identity of course). Cost of opening will vary according to time of day or night and location.
Why do your locked out rates vary in price?
What sort of payments do you accept?
We accept Cash and EFTPOS. Credit is only given to authorized, regular, ongoing customers up to date with payments. If you do not have an account, we require payment upon completion of the job we are doing.
Why are modern car keys so expensive?
During the 1990s car theft around the world had become a major problem for police forces, insurers and the motorist. Thieves could steal a car in minutes. Something had to be done, leading to the development of the electronic immobilizer. A number of different electronic immobilizer systems have been developed around the world with the transponder chipped key the most common.
The introduction of the electronic key by car manufacturers required the actual key with the matched chip or electronic coding to be used to start the car – if the correct matched key is not used the onboard computer will not allow the car to start. This process started in the late 1990’s and the vast majority of new cars sold in Australia since 2000 have electronic key immobilizer security.
It is now much harder to reproduce an extra key and/or remote for the modern car as special equipment and software are required to cut and program the key. Additionally, specialized techniques and software are required to produce central locking remotes, which in many cases are incorporated in the key head.
The cost to supply a replacement key or remote for your vehicle in normal working hours may be in the range of $150 – $400, and in some cases even more, even if you have an existing key or remote. The lower cost keys are generally “cloned” (where the electronics can be copied), however, not all keys/remotes are able to be cloned and some must be programmed into the vehicle using special equipment and processes.
The process of providing a “first” key or a key from scratch is a lot more complex. The car may need to be unlocked, security alarm reset and key codes ascertained using specialist diagnostic equipment. Car owners are advised to always maintain a spare key – loss or failure of an only key will result in considerable additional expense, often to the tune of hundreds of dollars.
Some cars on the Australian market require the on-board computer to be removed and re-programmed. This requires the new key/remote to be introduced to the car using further specialist equipment and techniques. To provide working keys for a vehicle where no working key is available will generally cost in excess of $400 and, in many cases, depending on the make and model exceed $1000. Prices may vary depending location of the vehicle and out of normal hours service charges. Some models require a minimum of two keys for successful programming.
Your Guild automotive locksmith will generally use genuine or OEM standard keys/remotes although in some cases after-market products may be offered provided quality and outcomes meet required standards.
The modern car locked up with no keys available presents difficulties not found in older cars. Cars locked electronically, by remote, may require specialized tools and techniques to open. Costs to open in these cases can exceed $350.
Not all locksmiths offer specialized automotive services. The cost of setting up equipment, software and training for modern automotive work is considerable. If your local Guild locksmith cannot do the work he will be able to refer you to an automotive locksmithing specialist who has the necessary expertise and can provide an estimate of costs before proceeding.
This document has been prepared by the Locksmiths Guild of Australia Inc as a public service. 2015
Other FAQs
Why should I call a qualified locksmith in the event of a lock-out?
When it comes to a lock-out, you should call a qualified, reliable locksmith to minimise the chance of any damage to either the lock or door. So, in the long run the only cost you’ll have is the price of the locksmith.
Is it a good idea to change the locks when moving into a new home?
Yes, when moving into a new home, previous tenants, neighbours, visitors, builders, cleaners or persons who are no longer authorized may still have a copy of the key that unlocks your property. In most cases the whole lock and hardware will not need to be changed, the locks can simply be re-keyed or re-coded to a new key that only you will have. Any of the old keys will no longer work giving you peace of mind that you are the only person with the new keys.
When you rekey my locks. Can they be keyed-alike?
In most cases yes; basically, if the new key fits in to all the keyholes of the existing locks then we can rekey them alike. However, if some of your locks have different profiles (keyhole shape) then it is not possible to key them alike.
I’ve lost the keys to my house, what should I do?
For total peace of mind, call us and we will come out and rekey your locks to a completely new key that only you will have. Or another option would be to make keys to suit your existing locks.
How do you choose a Locksmith?
Make sure the locksmith is a member of an accredited Australian Locksmith organisation? i.e. The Locksmiths Guild of Australia (LGA) or Master Locksmiths Association of Australia (MLAA). Members of these organisations are required to have police clearance and have achieved competence in the trade and are governed by a code of practice.
When would I need to call a locksmith?
You should seek out a locksmith for all your security and access needs, whether you’re locked out of your property or vehicle, you’ve lost or damaged your car key, lost or had keys stolen, purchased a new property, taken over a rental property, need locks fitted, or simply to get a key cut. Locksmiths are trade qualified, highly skilled and licensed, ensuring you get the best security advice from a reputable provider.
Why use a locksmith when I can get someone else cheaper?
A qualified licensed experienced locksmith is more efficient, will do the job quicker, provide quality workmanship, provide a warranty for products and workmanship, provide quality security solutions with better protection. This means peace of mind and saves you money in the long run.
Can you supply and install a digital lock?
Yes, we can supply and install mechanical digital locks and battery-operated digital locks.
Do you supply and install restricted key systems?
Yes, we do. Restricted key systems are designed to give the system owner the highest level of protection against unauthorised key duplication.
Do you design and install master key systems?
Yes, we can design and install a Masterkey system to suit your requirements. Masterkey systems comprise of a hierarchy of keys and locks that allow different groups or individual key holders to gain access to all areas or only to specific authorized areas of a building or buildings.
Do you make keys to cars?
Yes, we can supply, cut and program transponder keys to suit many current vehicles using modern programming tools and key cutting equipment.
What does rekey or rekeying mean?
Re-keying can also mean Re-coding. Rekeying or Recoding is often done when ownership of property changes hands, to stop unauthorized access, or when keys are lost, misplaced or stolen. You may have moved to a new home or office, and for peace of mind you want to start fresh, with new keys, that only you will have. In most cases, it is more economical to rekey or recode the lock-cylinder, then to replace the whole lock. Tumblers in the locking-cylinder are replaced to match a different key. After the lock has been rekeyed, any old keys will no longer turn the lock-cylinder, only the new key.